Научни публикации 1
Научни публикации 2
Научни публикации 3
Научни публикации 4
Научни публикации 5
Попул. Публикации 1
Попул. Публикации 2
Пламен Сидеров
Диана Левченко
Азнив Каспарян
Мая Стоянова
Асен Божилов
Евгения Великова
Силвия Бумова
доц. д-р Асен Божилов,
ръководител на катедра Алгебра от 20.01.2020 г. до 28.01.2024 г.

MSc - Магистър по математика,
СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", 1988
PhD - Доктор по математика (автореферат, тезис),
СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", 2014
Академични длъжности:
1992 г. - 1998 г. | асистент в катедра "Алгебра" на ФМИ |
1998 г. - 2002 г. | старши асистент в катедра "Алгебра" на ФМИ |
2002 г. - 2016 г. | главен асистент в катедра "Алгебра" на ФМИ |
2016 г. - | доцент в катедра "Алгебра" на ФМИ |

Тел: | 8161 (вътр. 753) | ФзФ | Стая: | Б23 | ФзФ |
Защитили дипломанти:
- Любомир Юриев Борисов (19.03.2015 г.) - Оценки на радиуса на покритие и други параметри на кодове на Мелас и обобщения.
- Generalized residue and t-residue codes and their idempotent generators. (with A. J. van Zanten and S. M. Dodunekov), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 75 (2015), 315-334.
- δk-small sets in graphs. (with N. Nenov), Mathematics and Education. Proc. Forty Second Spring Conf. Union Bulg. Math., Borovets, 2013, 189-197, preprint: arXiv:1211.3689v1 15 Nov 2012.
- Partitions of graphs into small and large sets. (with N. Nenov, Y. Caro and A. Hansberg), Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013), 1912-1924, preprint: arXiv:1205.1727v1 [math.CO] 8 May 2012.
- An Inequality for Generalized Chromatic Graphs.
(with N. Nenov), Mathematics and Education. Proc. Forty First Spring Conf. Union Bulg. Math., Borovets, 2012, 143-147, Preprint: arXiv:1111.5598v1
23 Nov 2011.
- Idempotent Generators of Generalized and Double Generalized Quadratic Residue Codes.
(with A.J. van Zanten and S. M. Dodunekov), Report TICC TR2011-003, Tilburg University, Netherlands, December 2011.
- Generalized Residue Codes and their Idempotent Generators.
(with A.J. van Zanten and S. M. Dodunekov), Report TICC TR2011-001, Tilburg University, Netherlands, February 2011.
- Idempotent generators of generalized residue codess.
(with A. J. van Zanten and S. M. Dodunekov), Proc. Twelfth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Novosibirsk, Russia, 5-11 September, 2010, 304-309.
- Minimal distances in generalized residue codes.
(with A. J. van Zanten and S. M. Dodunekov), Proc. Twelfth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Novosibirsk, Russia, 5-11 September, 2010, 53-58.
- Generalized residue codes.
(with A.J. van Zanten and S. M. Dodunekov), Report TICC TR2010-001, Tilburg University, Netherlands, March 2010.
- An upper bound on the covering radius of a class of cyclic codes.
(with E. Velikova), Proc. Eleventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 16-22 June, 2008, 300-304.
- On the weight distribution of the coset leaders of constacyclic codes.
(with E. Velikova), Serdica Journal of Computing 2, n. 2, (2008), 105-110.
- Cyclic Codes and Quasi-Twisted Codes: An Algebraic Approach.
(with D. Radkova and A.J. van Zanten), Report MICC 07-08, Universiteit Maastricht
- Задачи по алгебра (групи, пръстени, полиноми). (с П. Сидеров и К. Чакърян), Веди, София 2006
- Cyclic codes with length divisible by the field characteristic as invariant subspaces.
(with D. Radkova), Annuaire Univ. Sofia, Fac. Math. Inform. 98 (2008), 181-189.
- Cyclic codes as invariant subspaces.
(with D. Radkova), Annuaire Univ. Sofia, Fac. Math. Inform. 98 (2008), 171-179.
- On the weight distribution of the coset leaders of cyclic codes.
(with E. Velikova), Proc. Fourth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 17-23 June, 2005, 269-274.
- Задачи по алгебра (линейна алгебра). (с П. Сидеров и П. Кошлуков), Веди, София 2004
- Задачи по алгебра (линейна алгебра). (с П. Кошлуков), Веди, София 1995