Научни публикации 1
Научни публикации 2
Научни публикации 3
Научни публикации 4
Научни публикации 5
Попул. Публикации 1
Попул. Публикации 2
Пламен Сидеров
Диана Левченко
Азнив Каспарян
Мая Стоянова
Асен Божилов
Евгения Великова
Силвия Бумова
Публикации на Недялко Ненов
- Erratum: "Any Ramsey graph without 5-cliques has more than 11 vertices". (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Serdica 12 (1986), 204-204.
- Relations and graphs. (in Bulgarian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Fiz.-Mat. Spis. Bulg. Akad. Nauk. 27, (1985), 314-318.
- On two-colorings of the edges of complete graphs with a minimal number of monochromatic triangles. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Godishnik Vissh. Uchebn. Zaved. Prilozhna Mat. 21 (1985), 181-188.
- On the minimum of the number of 3-anticliques in n-vertex graphs without 3-cliques. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Serdica 11 (1985), 251-258.
- Application of the corona-product of two graphs in Ramsey theory. (in Russian) Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Inform. 79 (1985), 349-355.
- Any Ramsey graph without 5-cliques has more than 11 vertices. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Serdica 11 (1985), 341-356.
- A problem of Erdös and Hajnal in Ramsey theory. (in Bulgarian) Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Inform. 79 (1985), 5-13.
- The number of 5-vertex independent sets of 13-vertex graphs without triangles. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Serdica 10 (1984), 357-366.
- The existence and uniqueness of a 14-vertex graph with three 3-cliques and one 5-anticlique. (in Russian) (with Pashov I., Khadzhiivanov, N.) Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Mech. 78 (1984), 40-55.
- The chromatic number of any 10-vertex graph without 4-cliques is at most 4. (in Russian) C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 37 (1984), 301-304.
- On the relation of p-non-adjacency on graphs. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) God. Sofij. Univ., Fak. Mat. Mekh. 78 (1984), n. 1, 68-72 (1988).
- On the number of triples of nonacquaintances at a party without triples of acquaintances (in Bulgarian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Fiz.-Mat. Spis. Bulg. Akad. Nauk. 26 (1984), 360-365.
- On the number of 3-cliques in some graphs without 4-anticliques. (with Khadzhiivanov, N., Pashov I.) Godishnik Vissh, Ped. Inst. Shuman - Mat. Fak. vol. 8 (1984), 11-29.
- On the 4-cliques of some graphs without triangles. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Mech. 78 (1984), 186-208.
- On a Ramsey type property for the 10 vertices graphs. (in Bulgarian with English summary) Mathematics and education in mathematics, Proc. 13th Spring Conf. Union Bulg. Math., Sunny Beach, 1984, 165-172, (1984).
- On Ramsey graphs. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) God. Sofij. Univ., Fak. Mat. Mech. 78 (1984), 211-214.
- Zykov numbers and some of their applications in Ramsey theory. (in Russian) Serdica 9 (1983), 161-167.
- The minimum number of 4-anticliques of some graphs without triangles. (Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Mech. 77 (1983), 163-174.
- The minimal number of 5-anticliques in 14-vertex graphs without triangles. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 36 (1983), 1155-1157.
- On the number of 5-anticliques in graphs which have 14 vertices and less than one 3-clique. (in Russian) (with Khadzhiivanov, N.) Mathematics and education in mathematics, Proc. 12th Spring Conf. Union Bulg. Math., Sunny Beach, 1983, 129-132 (1983).