- Relative Set Genericity
(dvi format, pdf format)
Annuarie de l'université de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", vol.94 (2001);
Part I of the Master's Thesis, advised by prof. Ivan Soskov (Nov 1998)
- Genericity in Abstract Structure Degrees
(dvi format, pdf format)
Annuarie de l'université de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", vol.95 (2002), to appear
Part II of the Master's Thesis, advised by prof. Ivan Soskov (Nov 1998)
Papers and Notes
- Discrete Linear Orderings and Fraïssé Games, June 1999
(dvi format, pdf format)
Test Problem for the Master Class in Mathematical Logic 1998/1999, Utrecht/Nijmegen,
under the spervision of Prof. Wim Veldman, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.
- Abstract computability
(dvi format, pdf format) -
basic notions on the computability used in Part II.