The Normal Distribution


Java Applet Simulation of the normal experiment

The normal distribution holds an honored role in probability and statistics, mostly because of the central limit theorem, one of the cornerstone results. In addition, as we will see, the normal distribution has many nice mathematical properties.

The Normal Density

A random variable X is said to have the normal distribution with parameters

if it has the probability density function f given by

The special case

corresponds to the standard normal distribution. This particular distribution is so important that it has its own notation. The density is denoted

and the distribution function is denoted

The standard normal distribution function cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions, and hence the values of this function have been approximated and are given in the table of the standard normal distribution.

Mathematical Exercise 1. Show that standard normal density really is a probability density function by showing that

Hint: Convert the following double integral into polar coordinates:

Mathematical Exercise 2. Show that the general normal density function really is a probability density function. Use Exercise 1 and the standardizing transformation

Mathematical Exercise 3. Use basic calculus techniques to draw a careful sketch of the general normal density function. In particular, show that


The applet for this page simulates a random variable with the normal distribution. The graph of the density function is shown in blue. The mean and standard deviation are recorded in the first table and shown graphically in terms of the horizontal blue bar, which is centered at the mean and extends one standard deviation on either side. You can vary the mean and standard deviation with a scroll bars. When you run the experiment, independent values of the normal distribution are generated and recorded in the second table. The empirical density function is graphed in red and the sample mean and variance recorded in the first table and shown graphically in terms of the horizontal red bar.

Simulation Exercise 4. Start the applet and vary the mean and standard deviation. Note the shape and location of the normal density function and the location and size of the mean-standard deviation bar.

Simulation Exercise 5. Run the simulation with an update frequency of 100 for several different degrees of freedom. Note the apparent convergence of the empirical density and statistics to the corresponding distribution density and parameters.


The important properties of the normal distribution are most easily obtained using the moment generating function.

Mathematical Exercise 6. If X has the general normal density function, show that the moment generating function of X is given by

As the notation suggests, the parameters are the mean and standard deviation, respectively.

Mathematical Exercise 7. Suppose that X has the normal distribution with parameters

Show that


Mathematical Exercise 8. Suppose that X is normally distributed. If a and b are constants and a is nonzero, show that aX + b is normally distributed.

An important consequence of Exercise 6 is the following result:

Mathematical Exercise 9. Show that if X has the normal distribution with


has the standard normal distribution.

Mathematical Exercise 10. Conversely, show that if Z has the standard normal distribution, then

has the normal distribution with

Exercise 10 is very important because it means that any event that can be expressed in terms of X can also be expressed in terms of Z. Hence, the probability of such an event can be approximated using the table of the standard normal distribution.

Mathematical Exercise 11. Show that if X and Y are independent, normally distributed random variables, then X + Y is normally distributed.

Special Distributions
