List of Selected Publications

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[1] Bankov, K., Incidence numbers of real Grassman manifolds, Annuaire de l'universite de Sofia "Kliment Ohridski", Faculte de Mathematiques, v. 68, 1974 (in Russian, sum. in English).

[2] Bankov, K., Homology and cohomology theories with multiplication and their uniqueness, Annuaire de l'universite de Sofia "Kliment Ohridski", Faculte de Mathematiques et Mecanique, v. 72, 1978 (in Russian, sum. in English).

[3] Bankov, K., Maximum and minimum, Matematika, 4, 1981 (in Bulgarian).

[4] Bankov, K., Singularity theory and catastrophes, Matematika, 5, 1982 (in Bulgarian).

[5] Bankov, K., Some more about trapezoid, Matematika, 9, 1982 (in Bulgarian).

[6] Bankov, K., Relatively prime binomials, Matematika, 3, 1983 (in Bulgarian).

[7] Bankov, K., Complemented sequences, Matematika, 3, 1983 (in Bulgarian).

[8] Bankov, K., Pigeon hole principle, Matematika, 7, 1983 (in Bulgarian).

[9] Bankov, K., Rectangular billiards, Matematika, 2 and 3, 1985 (in Bulgarian).

[10] Bankov, K., Method of mathematical induction, Matematika, 7, 1985 (in Bulgarian).

[11] Bankov, K., A theorem of Kronecker, Kvant, 7, 1986 (in Russian).

[12] Bankov, K., Pick's formulae, Matematika, 8 and 9, 1987 (in Bulgarian).

[13] Bankov, K., Some problems for partition of a polygon, Matematika, 10, 1987 (in Bulgarian).

[14] Tabov, J., K. Bankov, Let's try with Viete's formulas, Teaching on Mathematics and Informatics, 4, 1987 (in Bulgarian).

[15] Bankov, K., Covering of convex figures, Matematika, 3, 1988 (in Bulgarian).

[16] Bankov, K. and J. Tabov, We challenge your city!, Mathematics Competitions, vol. 2, 1, January 1989 (in English).

[17] Bankov, K. and E. Sendova, Learning and doing mathematics, Teaching on Mathematics and Informatics, 3, 1990 (in Bulgarian).

[18] Bankov, K., Primary school mathematics from a brighter point of view, RCEI Bulletin, 2, 1990 (in English).

[19] Bankov, K. and B. Lazarov, The beginning of "Learning and doing mathematics.", Teaching on Mathematics and Informatics, 5, 1990 (in Bulgarian).

[20] Tabov, J. and K. Bankov, How much is 0^0?, Teaching on Mathematics and Informatics, 6, 1990 (in Bulgarian).

[21] Bankov, K., Learning and Doing Mathematics, Proceedings of the Second Bratislava International Symposium on Mathematics Education, 1990 (in English)

[22] Bankov, K., Learning and doing mathematics - a project for studying mathematics at primary school, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Twentieth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 1991, invited paper (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[23] Bankov, K., Triangulation, Mathematics & Informatics, v.1, 1, 1991 (in English).

[24] Bankov, K. and E. Sendova, Learning and doing mathematics - a project for teaching mathematics in primary school, Mathematics in School, 5, 1991 (in Russian).

[25] Bankov, K. and J. Tabov, A cover of a set of circles, Mathematics and Informatics, 4, 1991 (in Bulgarian).

[26] Bankov, K. and S. Dimitrova, The equations in "Learning and doing mathematics.", Mathematics and Informatics, 4, 1991 (in Bulgarian).

[27] Bankov, K., Mathematics competitions for junior secondary schools in Bulgaria, Mathematics Competitions, vol. 4, 2, 1991 (in English).

[28] Bankov, K., The participation of Bulgaria in international educational studies, Mathematics and Informatics, 2, 1992 (in Bulgarian).

[29] Bankov, K. and J. Iancheva, Figures of equal area, Mathematics & Informatics Quarterly, v. 2, 1, 1992 (in English).

[30] Bankov, K. and M. Konstantinova, Results from the pre-pilot test of the TIMSS, Mathematics and Informatics, 6, 1992 (in Bulgarian).

[31] Bankov, K. and M. Konstantinova, Something else from the pre-pilot test of the TIMSS, Mathematics and Informatics, 2, 1993 (in Bulgarian).

[32] Bankov, K., et. al., Results from the TIMSS pilot tests, Mathematics and Informatics, 2, 1994 (in Bulgarian).

[33] Bankov, K., Learning to become a mathematics teacher, Mathematics Education Review, 4, May 1994 (in English).

[34] Bankov, K., Modern or traditional way of teaching school mathematics: what should be the choice?, Mathematics Teaching, 147, June 1994 (in English).

[35] Bankov, K., Applications of the pigeon-hole principle, The Mathematical Gazette, v. 79, 485, July 1995 (in English).

                 The last article is "1995 "Gazette" Article of the Year" in The First Annual "Mathematical Gazette" Writing Awards.

[36] Bankov, K., A disjoint set of figures having large area, Mathematics Competitions, vol. 8, 2, 1995 (in English).

[37] Bankov, K., Selection of a large subset of disjoint figures, Geombinatorics, vol. VI, October 1996, issue 2 (in English).

[38] Bankov, K., Placing students where geometrical facts happen: The computer laboratory GEOMLAND, Journal of Structural Learning and Intelligent Systems, 1997, vol. 13(1), pp. 15-24 (in English).

[39] Bankov, K., Bulgaria. In National Contexts for Mathematics and Science Education. Pacific Educational Press, 1997, pp. 62-69 (in English).

[40] Bankov, K., School mathematics at the end of the 20-th century, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Twenty Sixth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 1997, invited paper (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[41] Bankov, K., Target populations and sampling, In Innovations in Education and Science. National Institute for Education, No. 6, 1997 pp. 7-10 (in Bulgarian).

[42] Bankov, K. and T. Resashka, Learning of the school mathematics in Bulgaria in the context of the TIMSS findings, Mathematics and Informatics, 5-6, 1997 (in Bulgarian).

[43] Georgiewa, N. and K. Bankov, Measurement and assessment of fourth and eighth graders' achievements in mathematics, Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, 4/1997 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[44] Bankov, K., School statistics education, Bulletin of the Bulgarian Statistical Society. March 1998 (in Bulgarian).

[45] Bankov, K., Sample design for international and national studies on educational research, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics -Proceedings of the Twenty Seventh Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 1998 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[46] Georgiewa, N., K. Bankov, and P. Todorova, National assessment on mathematics for the students of grade four - technological model and results, Primary Education, 6-7, 1998 (in Bulgarian).

[47] Bankov, K., Statistical methods for assessment of students' achievement, Primary Education, 6-7, 1998 (in Bulgarian).

[48] Bankov, K., National assessment of fourth grade students in mathematics: methodology, technology and results, Mathematics and Informatics, 3, 1998 (in Bulgarian).

[49] Bankov, K., School geometry from the class-room to the mathematics competitions, Geometry and Mathematics Competitions. (Papers contributed to the Topic Area 6 of the third WFNMC Congress, 22-27 July 1998). Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, 1998 (in English).

[50] Bankov, K., Findings from the national assessment of eight grade students in mathematics, Mathematics and Informatics, 5, 1998 (in Bulgarian).

[51] Bankov, K., Principle of the extreme element, Mathematical Gazette, v. 83, 496, March 1999 (in English).

            The last article is "1999 "Gazette" Article of the Year" in The Annual "Mathematical Gazette" Writing Awards.

[52] Bankov, K., Preparation of test entrance exams for students after grade seven, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Twenty Eight Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 1999, invited paper (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[53] Bankov, K., T. Vitanov, A survey of students' achievement in mathematics, grade 7, Mathematics and Informatics, 3, 1999 (in Bulgarian).

[54] Bankov, K., Success and failure: findings from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in Bulgaria, Proceedings of the First Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, vol.1, pp. 78-86 (1999).
(in English).

[55] Bankov, K., Mathematics for Extracurricular Work with Gifted Students, Beitrage zum Mathematikunterricht 1999, Vortrage auf der 33. Tagung fur Didaktik der Mathematik vom 1. Bis 5.3.1999 in Bern. pp. 73-76, 1999 (in English).

[56] Bankov, K., Measurement of the Curriculum Coverage in International Studies in Student Achievement, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Twenty Ninth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2000.

[57] Bankov, K. and T. Vitanov, Assessment in Mathematical Education, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Twenty Eight Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2000 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[58] Bankov, K., International Assessment of Mathematics Education in the Middle School Years, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Thirtieth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2001 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[59] Bankov, K. and T. Vitanov, Some Results of the National Exam-test - 2000, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Thirtieth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2001 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[60] Bankov, K., The Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, Mathematics Competitions, v. 14, 1, 2001 (in English).

[61] Bankov, K., Students' Achievement on Mathematics in the Pre-secondary School at the End of 20-th Century. Results from the International Study TIMSS-R. Mathematics and Informatics, 3-4, 2001 (in Bulgarian).

[62] Bankov, K., Qualitative Interpretation of the Results from Achievement Tests, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Thirty First Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2002 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[63] Bankov, K.,  Reasoning and proving in school mathematics curriculum. In D.  Edge, & B. H. Yeap (Eds.), Mathematics education for a knowledge-based era. Volume 2: Selected papers.  Proceedings of Second East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education and Ninth Southeast Asian Conference on Mathematics Education, 2002, pages 65 to 70.

[64] Bankov, K., Probabilistic modeling for measurement of students' achievement. Mathematics and Informatics, 4, 2002 (in Bulgarian).

[65] Bankov, K., Reasoning in school mathematics in Bulgaria. Reasoning, Explanation and Proof in School Mathematics and their Place in the Intended Curriculum. Proceedings of the QCA International Seminar, 4-6 October 2001 Cambridge, England, 2002, pages 178 to185.

[66] Bankov, K., Trends in geometry teaching, Mathematics and Informatics, 1, 2003 (in Bulgarian).

[67] Bankov, K., Measurement of school effectiveness in mathematics, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Thirty Second Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2003 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[68] Bankov, K., Managing Student Assessment. International Consultant’s Report to the PIU – Education at the Ministry of Education, Republic of Tajikistan, April-May, 2003.

[69] Bankov, K., What Types of Mathematics Topics are Suitable for Gifted Students? Proceedings of the Third International Conference “Creativity in Mathematics Education and Education of Gifted Students”, 3-9 August 2003, Rousse, Bulgaria (in English).

[70] Bankov, K., Ch. Lozanov, Mathematics Curriculum: Recent State and Trends, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Thirty Third Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2004 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[71] Bankov, K., Kyrgyzstan's Participation in  OECD / PISA 2006. International Consultant’s Report to the PIU, Ministry of Education, Kyrgyz Republic, March 2005.

[72] Lozanov, Ch., K. Bankov, External Assessment of the National Educational Standards on Mathematics, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Thirty Fourth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2005 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[73] Bankov, K. T. Vitanov, I. Ganchev, J. Ninova, I. Tonov. Half Century of the Department for Education on Mathematics and Informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Sofia, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Thirty Fourth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2005 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[74] Bankov, K. et al. The 50 Anniversary of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics Education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Sofia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics Education, 3 – 5 June, 2005, Bulgaria.

[75] Bankov, K., T. Vitanov. Analysis of the Results of the Field Test of a Strategy for External Assessment of the Content Educational Standards on Mathematics for Fourth Grade, Varna, May 2005, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics - Proceedings of Thirty Fifth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2006 (in Bulgarian, summary in English).

[76] Bankov, K. Does the Bulgarian School Prepare Mathematically Literate People? (A lesson from TIMSS-2003), Mathematics and Informatics, 2, 2006 (in Bulgarian).

[77] Gregory, K., K. Bankov. Exploring the Change in Bulgarian Eight-grade Mathematics Performance from TIMSS 1995 to TIMSS 1999. In Contexts of Learning Mathematics and Science, edited by S. Howie and T. Plomp, Routledge, 2006.

[78] Bankov, K., D. Mikova, T. Smith. Assessing Between-School Variation in Educational Resources and Mathematics and Science Achievement in Bulgaria. Electronic publication in “Prospects”, vol. XXXVI, No. 4, December 2006, UNESCO, Springer Netherlands. Online publication: March 31, 2007.

[79] Bankov, K. Decrease in Bulgarian Students’ Achievement in Mathematics and Science. Education, 1, 2007 (in Bulgarian).

[80] Bankov, K. The Influence of the World Educational Changes on the Teacher Education System in Bulgaria. In Reforming Teaching Globally, edited by M. T. Tatto, Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, 2007.

(List continues on the next page.)

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University of Sofia

Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics

James Boucher bul. 5

1164 Sofia


Last update 28 November 2024