Class SelectionIP


public class SelectionIP
extends java.lang.Object

This class contains methods for implementing the in-place algorithm for selecting the k-th element from an unsorted array.

Field Summary
static int SEC_SIZE
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static int findKthInt(int[] els, int left, int right, int k)
          Finds the value of the element with index 'k' in the sorted subarray (without sorting the array), The method finds the correct value when left <= k <= right.
static int median5(int[] els, int sInx)
          Computes the median value of the subarray of fife elements starting from the element with index sInx, performing at most 6 comparisions.
static int partition(int[] els, int left, int right, int medInx)
          Partition the subarray starting from left to right, using els[medInx] for pivot: the elements to the left are smaller and the elements to the right are greater or equal to the pivot.
static void swap(int[] els, int i, int j)
          Swaps the elemets els[i] and els[j] of the array els.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SEC_SIZE
Constructor Detail


public SelectionIP()
Method Detail


public static int findKthInt(int[] els,
                             int left,
                             int right,
                             int k)
Finds the value of the element with index 'k' in the sorted subarray (without sorting the array), The method finds the correct value when left <= k <= right. Destructive; uses an in-place algorithm.
els - the array of int elements
left - the left begin index
right - the right end index
k - the index of the required element in the sorted subarray
the absolute index of the element with index 'k' in the sorted subarray[left .. right], which value is els[findKtInPlace(left, right, k).


public static int partition(int[] els,
                            int left,
                            int right,
                            int medInx)
Partition the subarray starting from left to right, using els[medInx] for pivot: the elements to the left are smaller and the elements to the right are greater or equal to the pivot.
left - the begin index
right - the end index
medInx - the index of the pivot
the new index of the pivot


public static void swap(int[] els,
                        int i,
                        int j)
Swaps the elemets els[i] and els[j] of the array els.
els - the array
i - the index of the first element
j - the index of the second element


public static int median5(int[] els,
                          int sInx)
Computes the median value of the subarray of fife elements starting from the element with index sInx, performing at most 6 comparisions. After the exectution the median value is stored in els[sInx + 4]. Destructive; uses an in-place algorithm.
sInx - the starting index of the subbaray
the median value