Online publications of I. N. Soskov

Effective properties of Marker’s extensions, preprint, March 2013.

A note on ω jump inversion of degree spectra of structures, to appear in the LNCS volume of CiE 2013.

Kalimullin pairs of  Sigma-0-2 omega-enumeration degreesJournal of Software and Informatics, to appear.

Embedding countable partial orderings  into the enumeration and $\omega$-enumeration degrees,  Journal of Logic and Computation, to appear.

A jump inversion theorem for the degree spectra,  Journal of Logic and Computation, 19(2009), 199-215

The jump operator on the ω-enumeration degrees,  Annals of Pure and Applied Logic , 160 (2009), 289--301.

The groups Aut(D_e) and Aut(D_ω) are isomorphic, 6th Pan-Hellenic Logic Symposium, Volos, 2007.

The ω-enumeration degrees,  Journal of Logic and Computation,  17(2007)  pp. 1193—1217.

Uniform regular enumerations,  Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 16  (2006),  pp. 901-924.

Uniform Operators,  Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci,  v. 3526 (2005), Springer-Verlag,  441-450.


Degree Spectra and Co-spectra of structures,  Ann. Univ. Sofia, 96(2004), 45-68.


Ash's Theorem for Abstract Structures,  Logic Colloquium’02 (Z. Chatzidakis, P. Koepke, W. Pohlers eds.), Lect. Notes in Logic, 27 (2006),      pp. 327-341.


Regular Enumerations,  Journal of Symbolic Logic, 67, #4,  2002, 1323-1343 .


 A jump inversion theorem for the enumeration jump, Arch.  Math. Logic, 39 (2000), 417--437.


Admissibility in $\Sigma^0_n$ enumerations, Ann. Univ. Sofia  90 (1999), 77--90 .


Constructing minimal pairs of degrees, Ann. Univ. Sofia  91 (1997), 101--112.


Intrinsically hyperarithmetical sets,  Mathematical Logic  Quarterly  42 (1996), 469--480.

 Intrinsically  $|Pi^1_1$ relations,  Mathematical Logic Quarterly  42 (1996), 109--126.