Computability with Partial Information |
Supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund |
Publications → Presentations |
M. Soskova, The Turing universe in the context of enumeration reducibility, Logic Colloquium 2012, University of Manchester, Manchester (England), July 12-18 2012 A. Soskova, Enumeration Degree Spectra, The Incomputable workshop, Special Session The Mathematics of Incomputability, Isaac Newton Institute programme - "Semantics and Syntax: A Legacy of Alan Turing" , Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Chicheley Hall (England ), 11-16 June 2012 I. Soskov, Definability Properties of Marker's Extensions, The Incomputable workshop, Special Session The Mathematics of Incomputability, Isaac Newton Institute programme - "Semantics and Syntax: A Legacy of Alan Turing", Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Chicheley Hall (England), June 11-16 2012 A. Sorbi, Classifying Computably Enumerable Equivalence Relations, The Incomputable workshop, Special Session The Mathematics of Incomputability, Isaac Newton Institute programme - "Semantics and Syntax: A Legacy of Alan Turing", Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Chicheley Hall (England), June 11-16 2012 A. Soskova, Conservative extensions and the jump of a structure, Semantics and Syntax: A Legacy of Alan Turing (SAS), Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, June 7, 2012 M. Soskova, Difanability via K-pairs, Semantics and Syntax: A Legacy of Alan Turing (SAS), Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (England), May 31, 2012 A. Soskova, Enumeration Degree Spectra, Conference on Definability in Computable Structures, Chicago university, Chicago (USA), May 12-13 2012 I. Soskov, What Should Be a Jump Inversion of a Structure?, Conference on Definability in Computable Structures, Chicago University, Chicago (USA), May 12-13 2012 H. Ganchev, The Local Structure of the Enumeration Degrees, Computability Seminar, Universita degli Studi, Siena (Italy), May 9, 2012 M. Soskova, Extensions of the Turing model for relative definability, 2012 AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, George Washington University, Washington, DC (USA), March 17-18 2012 A. Soskova, Partial Degree Spectra, 2012 AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, George Washington M. Soskova, Extensions of the Turing model for relative definability, Spring 2012 Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar, City University New York, New York (USA) March 9-10 2012 A. Sorbi, Positive Equivalence Relations and Reducibility, Mal'tsev Meeting, Novosibirsk (Russia), October 11-14, 2011 M. Soskova, The structure of the omega-enumeration degrees, Workshop on Recursion Theory, Institute of Mathematical Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore, August 1-5 2011 H. Ganchev, Definability in the local theory of the enumeration degrees, Workshop on Recursion Theory, Institute of Mathematical Science, National University of Singapore, S. Vatev, Conservative Extensions of Structures, Infinity Conference, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain), July 18-22 2011. S. Vatev, Coservative extensions of structures, CiE 2011, Sofia, June 27—July 2, 2011 A. Soskova, Degree spectra and conservative extensions of abstract structures, Workshop in Computability Theory, 2011, San Francisco, May 22-23, 2011 M. Soskova, Definability in the enumeration degrees, Research Seminar at the Kurt Gödel Research M. Soskova, Definability in the local structures of the enumeration degrees, Logic Seminar at the University of Chicago, Chicago (USA), March 30, 2011 M. Soskova, Definability in the local structures of the enumeration degrees and M. Soskova, Definability in the enumeration degrees, Logic Seminar at Cornell University, Cornell (USA), March 2 2011 M. Soskova, The total degrees in the local structure of the enumeration degrees, Computability Theory Seminar at the University of Leeds, Leeds (England), December 7 2010 A. Ditchev, A notion of effective topological spaces, Logic Colloquium 2010, Paris (France), July 25-31 2010 S. Vatev, omega-degree spectra and co-spectra of structures, Logic Colloquium 2010, Paris (France), July 25-31 2010 A. Sorbi, The Medvedev lattice and intermediate propositional logics, Workshop on Computability Theory 2010 (Satellite workshop to Computability in Europe 2010 (CiE 2010)), Ponta Delgada (Portugal), July 5-6, 2010 C. Harris, Oracle constructions in the local enumeration degrees, Seminar on Mathematical Logic, FMI, Sofia University, June 24 2010 M. Soskova, Definability and Interpretability in the Sigma-0-2 enumeration degrees, Plenary talk at Mal'tsev Meeting, Novosibirsk, May 2-6, 2010 A. Soskova, Enumeration Degree Spectra of Abstract Structures, Computability Theory Seminar, Leeds University, Leeds (England), February 23, 2010 H. Ganchev, Structural Properties of the $\Sigma^0_2$ Enumeration Degrees, Computability Theory Seminar, Leeds University, Leeds (England), February 16, 2010 M. Soskova, Characterizing the Strength of the Local Theory of the Enumeration Degrees , Special session talk at 14th South Eastern Logic Symposium, February 27, 28 2010, Gainesville Florida . H. Ganchev, Definability in the local structure of the enumeration degrees, Scientific Session, FMI, Sofia University, October 2009 H. Ganchev and M. Soskova, Coding with K-pairs, Plenary talk at Workshop on Computability Theory 2009, Sofia. H. Ganchev, I. Soskov and M. Soskova, K-pairs in the omega enumeration degrees, Scientific Session, FMI, Sofia University, October 2009 I. Soskov, The omega-enumeration degrees, Plenary talk at Workshop on Computability Theory 2009, Sofia. I. Soskov. The ω-enumeration degrees, Plenary talk at Mal'tsev Meeting Novosibirsk, August 24-28, 2009 I. Soskov, Enumeration degree spectra of abstract structures, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche ed Informatiche "Roberto Magari", Siena, September 2009. A. Sorbi, s-reducibility and immunity properties, Logic Colloquium 2009, Sofia, July 31—August 5, 2009 H. Ganchev, Definability in the Local Theory of the omega-Enumeration Degrees, Special session at CiE 2009, Heidelberg. A. Soskova, I. N. Soskov, Some applications of the Jump Inversion Theorem for the Degree Spectra, CiE 2009, Heidelberg. A. Sorbi, The first order theories of the Medvedev and Muchnik lattices, Computability in Europe 2009 (CiE 2009), Heidelberg (Germany), July 19—24, 2009 A. Soskova, Enumeration spectra of structures, Scientific Session, FMI, Sofia University, October 2009 M. Soskova, A Locally Definable Set of Low Enumeration Degrees. Work in Progress., Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche ed Informatiche "Roberto Magari", Siena, September 2009. A. Soskova, Some applications of Jump Inversion Theorem for the Degree Spectra, 7th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, 2009, Patra, Greece, July 15-19 M. Soskova, Embedding Partial Orderings in Degree Structures , CiE 2009, Heidelberg. M. Soskova, Embedding Partial Orderings in Degree Structures, Computability Seminar at the University of Leeds, May 2009. |