============================== How to update the web-pages? ============================== 1. Make your own copy of the gtml directory. 2. Edit whatever files you want. 3. Execute the command gtml english.gtp bulgarian.gtp In case of errors due to missing files repeat this command. 4. The new html-files will be created in the upper level directory. Execute cd .. cp main.en.html index.html 5. Now the new web-pages are ready for upload. =============================== The language of the gtml-files =============================== GTML is a macroprocessor optimized for html-files. The following macroses are defined and used in our web-pages: STRUCTURE





First, second and third level titles. Used after the last paragraph.
  • ...
  • Used before and after each paragraph. INSIDE THE TEXT Equivalent to . http://address,visible_text Equivalent to visible_text. Must be entirely on one line. url,text Equivalent to text url Equivalent to url mail-address Equivalent to mail-address .. Used in members.??.gtml and phd_students.??.gtml around peoples names. .. Used in bachelor.??.gtml. SYMBOLS The copyright sign <> Non-break space <_> The usual space (you don't need to use this) <,> Comma `` Left English quotation mark '' Right English quotation mark "` Left Bulgarian quotation mark "' Right Bulgarian quotation mark --- Em-dash If you want to define your own macroses, read the documentation of GTML.